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Bets for the new WE and Broadway casts of Six


So the new West End and Broadway casts for Six the Musical weren't announced on the 6th like I, and some people in the Queendom thought,,,

Jasmine is leaving and there is a replacement coming for her, my bets (and hopes) is that Abby Mueller is coming back, like how Adrianna is back, compensating their leave during the 21-22 Broadway production, that would be neat. But honetly I think that the most likely to come back is Keri René. For the next production, it would be beautiful if they could bring all the OBC back, as none of them seem to be doing anything at the moment. I think the alternates will stick with the next cast and slowly get replaced.

For the West End Cast, I have a feeling (based on justarandomsixfan's post on Tumblr) that Ellie Jane Grant will be in the next cast, probably as Universal Swing, what would logistically make sense costume-wise, with 2 principals and one alt, like Natalie Pilkington had. I think all of the current alternates will leave, based on what they are saying on the recent vlogs of Hannah in their dressing room. Meg might be in the next cast with Ellie as the two swings (I'd kinda like, but only if she gets costume variations). My wish is Meg as Silver Super Swing, a new cast member as a Black Super Swing (With a redesign please), and Ellie as Universal. From the principals, I think all of them are leaving, if someone is not, I'd say it is Thao or Caitling.

I don't know much about the West End scenario in the moment so I can't think of actors who have never been in Six that could be joining this year. Let's just hope they do an announcment soon.